experience & dedication...

Alkalay & Smillie, PLLC

in Mt. Washington Valley, New Hampshire

Office: (603) 447-8994
Fax: (603) 297-2866

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Edward D. Alkalay


Edward D. Alkalay is a co-founding member of Alkalay & Smillie, PLLC. His practice involves all civil litigation (including real estate, business and zoning and planning issues), employment law, personal injury law, and criminal defense.

Attorney Alkalay brings substantial experience to the representation of his clients. From 1999 to 2004, he was an Assistant United States Attorney at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and handled a case load of over 70 cases for the federal government. Prior to that, he worked as a federal law clerk to the Honorable William I. Gafinkel in Connecticut and to the Honorable James T. Turner in Washington, DC. From 1993 to 1997, he worked as a prosecutor and Assistant Corporation Counsel in New York City.

When Attorney Alkalay is not working as a lawyer, he is an active songwriter and musician, with two CDs to his credit. For further details visit his website at www.edalkalay.com.

J.D., University of Connecticut School of Law, 1993
B.A., State University of New York at Albany, 1988

New Hampshire, 2004
Connecticut, 1998
New York, 1993
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 1999
United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 1999
United States Court of Federal Claims, 1999
United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, 1998

Law Clerk to the Honorable James T. Turner, Court of Federal Claims, 1998-1999
Law Clerk to the Honorable William I. Garfinkel, United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, 1997-1998

New Hampshire Bar Association, Member (2004 to present)
Carroll County Bar Association, Member (2004 to present)
New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Association (2005 to present)
Board of Directors for Starting Point (2009 to present )

Teaching Experience
Granite State College, Legal Research and Writing Instructor (2006 - present)
Department of Justice, Health Care Fraud Instructor to various federal agencies (2003-2004)
University of Connecticut School of Law, Legal Research and Writing Instructor (1992-1993)

Recipient of 2002 Special Achievement Award for outstanding service to the United States Attorney's Office

Uniform Interstate Family Support Act: A New Weapon in the Battle for Child Support, New York Law Journal, Mar. 26, 1998, at 1, reprinted in Pract. L. Inst. Tax L. and Est. Planning Handbook, 264 PLI/Est 121 (July 1998).


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